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Your digital toolkit gives you everything you need to connect with customers and run your business on your terms, no matter where you are. Best of all, it's completely free!
Put your online store to work for super-easy sales 24/7, and perks your online customers will love, like exclusive pricing and offers, and free shipping on orders of $60+. Pro tip: Ambassadors who personalize their online store sell more! Add a pic of yourself and a message to help customers choose you to shop with. And share your store link everywhere!
Your online customers pay $10.95 shipping on Direct Delivery orders below $60, and receive free shipping for orders of $60 or more, shipping for orders of $60+ is shared by you and Avon. For example, your portion is just $10.95 on a $60+ online customer order, charged to your Ambassador account.
The ultimate way to reach out, create a fun moment and bring your incredible products to life. Always include your online store link for easy shopping!
• See how social can expand your reach beyond friends and family! Learn how to get started with Facebook and other social media, sharing your Digital Brochure and tons more with our Social Media courses that will be featured on our You Tube channel in the weeks to come.
• Get creative and show off your authentic, relatable self: Share your favorite self-care routine or daily essentials, try your own beauty tutorial video on YouTube or make a fun video of yourself reviewing your latest products.
• Join the Facebook Group page for inspiration and ideas from the Avon community, plus all the scoop on the latest products and training and follow us on Instagram and Pinterest.
The super-rewarding way to grow your business while you connect with your community helps you reach new customers and boost your potential sales and earnings. It’s easy to run a fundraiser online or with printed flyers and every organization you partner with means new networking opportunities for customers and recruits!
Share product recommendations on your social pages or by email that link to all the details on your online store.
Boost your customer base! When customers sign up to shop with you, their email is automatically added to your personal address book and we'll send them special offers on your behalf. Or share directly from your online store for even more engagement — just go to Featured/Sweepstakes/Share.
Share the link to your online sign-up page to fill out a simple form. See our video on how to share your page.